jenn cover white
Jenn Cover Cutout
leader manager creator

I am an experienced Website Project Manager currently managing a large-scale website migration project at a  Colorado-based marketing technology company.  My background is in organizational leadership, management and advanced training, and website design and development. I am a proud first-generation college graduate from Colorado State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy. I'm also passionate about work-life balance and have a wide variety of hobbies, passion projects, and volunteer commitments.


Years Leadership Experience


Years Project Management Experience


Years Instructional Experience


Committed to Exellence

Education gold

I'm a proud first-generation college graduate with both a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.  While earning my two degrees from Colorado State University I also worked, volunteered, and participated in many enriching activities on campus.

CSU Logo 2
CSU Logo 1
team member testimonials
website project manager

As a Website Project Manager I've worked directly with hundreds of individual small business owners to plan, design, build, and launch websites for digital marketing. My specialization is in WordPress and WooCommerce, but I have experience with website development, design, and optimization on 10+ additional platforms.


Lead Gen Websites Launched


eCommerce Websites Created

and counting

Websites Replatformed

Website Portfolio

Take a look at my extensive portfolio of actual client deliverables.  I do not own these designs (my employer and the individual business owners have ownership of these sites) but am proud to have personally closely managed every element of their creation from conception to publication.

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