hobbies and passion projects

I have always believed that in every person there is a deep need and fundamental ability to create and be creative.  In addition to engaging with the 'art' of leadership through my work, I also pursue a variety of other artistic projects and creative hobbies.

The art of Bonchi

Bonchi is the term for growing a pepper plant using the bonsai technique. Pepper plants work well for bonsai because of their thick, woody stems and abundant foliage, flowers, and fruit. I currently have 8 Bonchi plants in my home that I care for and harvest from, several of which are pictured below.

Stained Glass & Beartooth Glassworks

It's hard to imagine my life without arts and crafts in it. Graphic design is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my artistic side, and another big component is my passion for stained glass. I am not currently actively producing pieces for sale, but if you'd like to discuss a unique opportunity for a collaboration on a project, please use the contact form on this site to reach out to discuss.

My Little Slice of Eden

Gardening can be challenging when you have space constraints, but I don't let that stop me because nothing brings the same type of joy or level of satisfaction as a home garden.  I grow all of my vegetables hydroponically in order to make the most of the short Colorado growing season, and mix in some vibrant flowers to draw in the pollinators to our small patio garden.